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Friday, April 3, 2015

We never know what Flat Stanley will bring back from his adventures!  Along with a great photo book, brochures and maps---Lake Michigan sand, chocolate covered blueberries, and a new outfit (for cold weather) came back with this fella.  I learned Michigan is the #1 supplier of blueberries in our nation!

 We visited our 6th Grade buddies while they were away on a 3-day school trip. hehe (It was April Fool's Day).   The kids left 'green blobs' on their desks, with green streamers hanging out of their something (strange) was growing while they were gone.  They giggled so much as they worked.

Fun Spring Time 'party' put together by some great moms -- complete with
'Twinkie Bunny Race Cars'. 

Preparing our canvas for our second plastic lid art project. Long torn strips of dark blue tissue paper (one color) carefully placed on canvas.  I use diluted glue. I was amazed how cool our 'ocean' turned out. The plastic lids 'Rainbow Fish' is ready to transfer next week after a protective coating of medium varnish.  See my ART PROJECTS label -- our first project OWL is there!


  1. Those Twinkie Bunny cars are precious!! We're definitely going to have to do that next year! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

    1. Yeah for Pinterest, right?! I'm going to try airplanes next year! (Teachers: always variation on a theme!) :-) Thanks for stopping by.
